Live Your Potential

Live Your Potential



Fit for Life Classes

Personal Training

Online Coaching


Real people with Real stories



"Cameron has a very professional manner that allows me to have honest conversations with him so I can share my struggles with weight loss and blocks. He gives me the space to openly ask questions that I am unsure about.

I have seen numerous improvements in my mental health and my physical and emotional well being. Cameron has helped me to create a healthy relationship with food and the choices I make.

What I love the most is the ability to live a normal life. I don’t feel as if I’m dieting or looking to hit a certain number on the scales each week. I am being educated in this process. I feel completely in control and empowered.

Cameron is a kind, compassionate, understanding young man. He practices what he preaches and my respect level for him is immense. He gives back to his community and encourages people of all ages to find a path that they are happy with.

100% I would recommend Cameron to be a part of your journey. We all benefit from a little accountability and that extra push.

Thanks Cameron for your commitment to me and thank you for supporting me on this journey so far!"

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My journey with Cameron started in December 2019 when I started attending his Fit for Life sessions in Inverkip. Prior to starting these sessions, I knew I was overweight and unfit but I at that point in time I didn’t really have any goals in mind; just the desire to lose weight and get fit.

After losing some weight early in 2020 I felt a more focused approach was needed so I started taking a weekly 1 to 1 training session with Cameron and these have really paid off. Here we focused on my daily calorie intake; slowly reducing this down whilst maintaining the required protein intake my body required. Cameron also started me on a fitness program that was good for me, which at this point was to build up my overall strength and stamina to get me back into shape to allow me to take up running again. In the past I have done several 5 and 10km runs and the weekly 1 to 1 session and ongoing bootcamp sessions have not only allowed me to get back into my running but also to greatly improve on my times from 10 years ago; something I never thought possible. For example, previous time for completing a 5km run back in 2011 was around 28m30s whereas now I have just completed a 5km Parkrun in 22m27s.

A personal achievement that I am very proud of and this would not have been possible without the help and support from Cameron. I would recommend Cameron as a personal trainer for anyone looking to achieve life-changing results.


“I wanted to lose weight & be more confident in myself & right from the start he assured me he could help. I’ve been attending his Fit for Life classes 3 times a week since & also getting nutrition/fitness advice online from him. The Fit for Life Class is a varied mix of people, abilities & ages & no two classes are the same. We work hard, challenge ourselves, support each other & have great fun doing it. I’m always amazed how creative Cameron is planning his classes & you could never get bored with the constantly evolving content that pushes us to try our best every time.

I’ve been going to Cameron’s Fit for Life for 21 weeks now & have recently also been doing 1-1 sessions with him. I’ve lost 3 stone in weight, dropped 4 dress sizes, gained confidence, improved my physical & mental health & made great friends along the way”.

About me


I have worked in the fitness industry for 4.5 years now (since I was 18) and had over 8 years practical gym experience myself. I am a fully qualified Personal Trainer and have been the Head coach of the University of Strathclyde’s Powerlifting Club for years before graduating.

My favourite part of personal training is seeing clients overcome hurdles they never thought in a millions years they’d be able to conquer, to later see how high their potential truly is. I want to change peoples lifes for the better and help them create ripple effects in their lifes to help others.

From 80+lb weight losses to 180kg deadlifts, training for formula racing to giving clients the belief and confidence to step outside their front door. I truly have worked with many different goals and everyone single one of them I’ve thoroughly enjoyed!

“What would your life be like if you made use of all the potential that you were offered?”

— Jordan B. Peterson

Contact us.

Whether you have questions about the services we offer, products in the shop, a chat or anything else for that matter we’re here for you.