Small Group Personal Training

Online Coaching allows you to work with me on your own schedule wherever you are. The exercise program will be tailored exactly to your abilities and goals but also your environment. Regular checkins and nutrition support come with the package.


Where: Anywhere! All you need is an internet connection to download your program and to communicate through. A gym membership would be ideal but not required.

When: Anytime! Because your training program and nutritional guidance will be sent to you in advance you can do the workouts when it best suits you

Who is this most suitable for: This can be most suitable for advanced trainees who are looking to build muscle/strength or improve performance. As these clients require quite frequent exposure to lifting weights or advanced training equipment. This is also most suitable for trainees who can’t attend my other services whether this is for geographical reasons or scheduling reasons.

Personalised Program

Your program will always be tailored to your ability, goals and environment. No cookie cutter programs here!



We will work alongside each other to make workouts work for you schedule and daily life.


Nutrition Guidance

Nutrition is a vital component to achieving your fitness goals, that’s why guidance will always be given.


Priority contact

Your messages go straight to my priority list so that I can get back to you as quick as possible.

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Meet Kalil:

I used Cameron as my PT throughout my third year at university. His online personal training system was ideal for my busy studying schedule. The programs he provided me with were sent to me every Sunday with a full weeks worth of training and advice. The workout split was chosen to be the most optimal to help me achieve my goals. Each workout plan consisted of all the exercises, reps, sets and weights (including warm up stretches/movements) needed for every session with beneficial progressive overload. Further to this, each session had its own “notes” section packed with pointers and tips on how to optimise my workout. What impressed me the most about working with Cameron was his ability to adapt any workout program to my personal goals. For instance, I had chosen to improve my ankle mobility. For this Cameron insured that in the warm up of my lower sessions I was appropriately warming up and mobilising my ankles. Further to this he showed me how properly executing the full range of motion on calf press allowed for improved ankle mobility. His availability and response times to all my queries were next to none, I never once went into a workout scratching my head or unsure about what I was about to do. Any questions I had, he knew the answer and was more than happy to dive into further detail.

Over my time with Cameron my lifts improved dramatically, my bench press moved from a 1RM of 85kg to 95kg, I added 20kg on to my deadlift and 5kg on to my overhead press.

Outside the gym and in the kitchen, Cameron was always monitoring what I was eating through our link on MyFitnessPal. He would tailor my calories every week depending on my long term goal, as well as suggesting tasty macro friendly dishes I could make for myself.

Online Coaching Gallery

Online Coaching Application.

Fill out the form below if you would like to sign up for online coaching and we will be in contact soon with a starting date.